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Common Altitude Reference System
Absolutelly critical from safety perspective. Absolute must have service for U-space.
The principal goal of CARS is to connect word of manned aviation which by definition use barometric altitude sensors with unmanned word which as a rule use GNSS.
This animation, shows, possible heights and altitudes.
All values are true.
But are they comparable?
Remember, to comapare always right values

We provide full CARS service, along with the provision of the necessary infrastructure.
If you would like to try CARS in your U-space or in your project, please contact us.
VALS - Vertical Alert Service
Alert manned and unmanned aircraft on present vertical distance above the common geodetic reference system from ground, when such distance becomes too small.
UAS traffic management (UTM) — Part 12:Requirements for UTM service providers (ISO/DIS 23629-12)
By using the well-known DSM model, you reduce the risk of GRC, because VALS will advise you if there is a risk of collision with ground or obstacle.
Regardless of the weather.
The CARS and VALSalgorithms were developed as part of the ICARUS project
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